What My Dog Does: A Journal for Dogs and the People They Own

What My Dog Does: A Journal for Dogs and the People They Own


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著者名 Jim Dratfield
ISBNコード 9780307336149
発売日/出版年度 2006年


For everyone who considers his or her dog a full-fledged member of the family, here is a journal to track your dog's life from puppyhood to dog days. Part scrapbook, part record book, and featuring photographs by our favorite dog-lover, Jim Dratfield, this journal has plenty of space to record your dog's favorite toy, most likely nap time, and undeniably loveable moments. And to make this journal unique, just like your dog's personality, slide into the front cover a photo of your cuddly canine.
96 two-color pages (guided), 8 x 9 inches, with 3 full-color pocketed and tabbed dividers and a photo-frame cover
